My Debut post on adreview.
For the past few years Hollywood has operated on a fairly predictable and conservative formula; they’ve made comic book movies, and they’ve made re-makes. Films like The Dark Night, Spiderman 1, 2 &3, Alice and Wonderland, Transformers, Iron Man 1&2, The A Team and Star Trek are just a fraction of movies - or products – to come off the Hollywood production line over this period. They all have one thing in common; they were chosen because of their marketability and their capacity to become more than just movies. They were chosen for their ability to become franchises. These films have shown that in today’s society a big box office movie has the potential to be so much more than just a film. Merchandise, video games, spin off cartoons are just some of the by-products of a well-marketed film. Hollywood are now more than ever transforming their movies into brands... (Read more)
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